Yesterday as I was cleaning my sewing room, again, I came across a couple of Winnie the Pooh fitted crib sheets that I found at DI several years ago and planned on using in the guest room for grand-kids. I pictured a pretty little crib that would fit nicely in the nook where the dormer window is.
Well - it didn't turn out like that. I can be practical when the need arises and when the first grandbaby came along I realized it might be nice to have something that would be a little more versatile: crib, playpen, indoor, outdoor, camping I bought a really nice Pack-n-Play that is fairly compact when disassembled and folded up and is also roomy and has several nice features. It has a diaper changing area, a little clip on basket thingy to hold powder, salve, wipes, the mattress/floor can be raised so that a tiny baby can sleep there to be at a higher level, and lowered when the baby gets a little more adventurous. All in all it was a smart buy and I've used it for all three grandbabys so far...
I had two crib sheets, both different but Pooh-ish, and from those I was able to make one fitted sheet for the mattress and two new padded sheets for the changing area. It's darling. is my Winnie-ther-Pooh room so far.
On the left is a view from the bedroom door. How many Pooh-ish things can you count?
That's my blessing dress hanging from the shelf. |
This is looking into the little nook where the crib is set up.
The dresser - I love, love, love these candle stick holders and the collage picture on the wall. I know the story that each picture is about.
The shelf by the window seat - Those booties were Jason's when he was a baby.
I found these wall paper stick-on's on sale at Target a few years ago and re-found them under the bed about a month ago. PERFECT.
I love this room. I really do. And if guests don't like it well...then, they can just close they're eyes (so as not to look at it) and go to sleep, and probably dream of The Hundred Acre Wood. That would be a happy dream.
My children will be the first to point out that Winnie-the-Pooh isn't necessarily confined to this room.
Pooh Shrine |
...and barely noticeable, insignificant 'shrine' in my living room.
A small menagerie on the hallway mirror.
And a little Pooh wisdom hanging above the door going into my kitchen.
To name a few.
My husband, by the way, is totally okay with this. ♥