Sunday, November 21, 2010

Picture Chaos...

1. a state of utter confusion or disorder; a total lack of organization or order.
2. any confused, disorderly mass: a chaos of meaningless phrases.
3. the infinity of space or formless matter supposed to have preceded the existence of the ordered universe.
4. (Obsolete) a chasm or abyss.
What kinds of things would fit under definition #1?
  1. A Prison Mutiny
  2. A tornado
  3. An earthquake
  4. Armageddon
  5. Eight Children in the Nursery today.
What kinds of things would fit under definition #2?
  1. A Greek wedding
  2. The main room in the Mental Hospital circa 1900
  3. Your first time using mass transit in a third world country.
  4. Listening to eight children in the Nursery today.
What kinds of things would fit under definition #3?
  1. The Gulf Oil spill of 2010.
  2. My mind after being in the nursery today for almost 2 hours.
What kinds of things would fit under definition #4?
  1. The Grand Canyon
  2. The Mariana Trench
  3. What I would gladly have jumped into when I realized I still had 1/2 hour to go.
Yup. It was that bad. 
Did you know that changes in barometric pressure will send a child into hyperactive outer space? Just heard that today from an experienced grade school teacher who also happens to be our Primary Chorister.

I believe it. I have a testimony of it. 
Going to go spend some time in my nice, quiet, orderly, dark, hall closet now. Thanks.


  1. For what it's worth, parents like me are so SO so grateful Sunday after Sunday for good nursery leaders. I don't know how I'd get through church every Sunday if there was no nursery.
    It will be easier as time goes by. And hey, it's only two hours a week. Just keep telling yourself that: two hours a week equals several solid gold bricks in the building of your heavenly mansion.

  2. Your too funny! I am glad my kid wasn't one of the chaos contributors today!

  3. ROFL! Nursery is seriously one of the most difficult callings...primary chorister takes a close second (for me, anyway, lol).

  4. I agree everything that Womna said. I owe nursery workers big time. They are a gift from God.
