Friday, October 29, 2010

A new elephant in the family

Ever since I finished Swede's elephant and gave her away I've been pining to do another one, only in different colors. "What?" you say, "Another finger piercing, tendinitis inducing, eye straining, hand-needlework project?" What can I say to that? I've already allowed the fact that I have a Serious Addiction that Cannot Be Kicked. (It's not like nail biting, and I should know. I was a dedicated nail biter well into my thirties but was able to quit despite all predictions that 'If one does not quit before one is 20, one will ALWAYS be a nail biter.' That is simply not true, and I am proof.)

But this...THIS is far worse. I honestly think it's genetic and hard wired into me (kind of like me being a girl) to the point that if I cannot pet/cut/stitch, fabric or use yarn/thread and hook or needles, I may well perish, and it would not be a pretty sight. I find so much satisfaction, comfort and relaxation when I stitch, be it with a needle and thread, a machine, crochet hook, or even knitting needles, that I cannot imagine life without it. I've been at it so long that I can't remember not doing it. (Just ask my mother.)

Here are a some clues when looking into at how addicted dedicated a stitcher might be.
  • How many pairs or scissors does she have? (Ginghers, Dovos, dressmaker, pinking shears, embroidery, snippers etc...and just plain "I had to have them because they're so dang cute!)
  • Does she look at scissors still?
  • Does she have a special box for each pair?
  • Does she wear them?
  • Do you see random pins/needles stuck in her collar or her sleeve?
  • Can she talk coherently with pins between her lips and without incident?
  • How many pincushions? Are they cute? Does she wear them? 
  • Are the pins color coded for each one and/or arranged artfully?
  • Does she make and give pincushions as gifts?
  • Does she buy boxes of pins just in case...?
  • How many sewing machines? Boxes of thread (all kinds)? Yarn?
  • A special handmade envelope with labeled pockets for each size of crochet hook/knitting needle?
  • Has she been known to use knitting needles or crochet hooks as hair ornaments?
  • Do you find yourself picking random threads off her clothes?
  • And fabric?...Well, usually it's measured in Boxes, Bins, Shelves and that would take another page of questions: one that might concern the difference between Twill, Toile, and Tulle. 
  • And, last but not least, does she have a room dedicated to her addiction hobby?
Guilty, Guilty, Guilty...(but not feeling guilty.) I admit it all happily.

So is it any wonder that I would see a new elephant in my future despite the needle pricks, wrist and thumb fatigue, eye strain and the fact that I obviously don't need an elephant, at least not by the standards of your normal non-addicted stitcher? he is: My Elephant. This one is a boy as you can see by the very masculine barbed wire-like border and the earthy colors. I love, love, love how he turned out. I just have to get him quilted.

If Sweeble's elephant were anywhere near she would be instantly attracted.

1 comment:

  1. i love picturing you with random threads on your clothes. Hilarious! Great list. I didnt know you were so obsessed...scratch that, sewing. Maybe that is why you are so talented. I will always love Finn's monkey blanket you made for him and my apron you gave me for my wedding shower.
